Oct 31, 2009

6th Story : The Trust

A friend said to me : " I'll tell u when I really trust you and I don't trust people that easily. "

What he said has kept me thinking very hard since then..
Why didn't he trust me ?
Did I do something that I cannot have his trust ?

But then, I began to pounder..
Have anyone ever trusted me and have I ever trusted anybody before ?
Are there anyone who trust people easily ?
Because I can't remember the last time I trusted anybody and was trusted by somebody..
It must be a very hard and a burdening thing to be done..

To me, to trust somebody is..
to entrust them with your deepest secret..
to have faith that they will never hurt you..
to know that they will always be there for you..
to share your worst memories..
to have faith that a friend will never lead you astray..
to know that you can entrust them with your own life..

But, my whole life, I never have someone that I think I trust..

I have never..
tell my deepest secret to anyone..
think that people in my life will never hurt me..
dream that anyone will always be there for me..
share my worst memories with anyone..
think that I will not be astrayed..
known anyone that I can give my life to..

Even how close I am to anyone..
be it my family, my best friend, my closest teachers..
I have never truly and honestly trusted them..
I kept everything to myself..

I just realized that all this time..
I have always have a guard on..
~Never to be too close to someone..
~Never to be too personal to someone..

~Never to be too caring to someone..

~Never to be too loving to someone..

~Never to be much of anything to someone..

And ~Never to trust anyone..

To me, to never trust someone means,
To never be hurt so much by someone,
That I may even consider dying as an option to forget the pain..

Frank Crane once said :
~ You may be deceived if you trust too much,
but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough..

But, is it possible for someone to trust the me that have never trusted anybody ?
What should I do to have this trust in my heart ?
To trust someone and to earn someones' trust..

Can trust be developed with time ?
I don't think so..
Coz sometimes, we can trust a stranger, whom we knew for less than a day,
more than our own family, whom we knew our whole life..

Can trust be developed with virtue ?
I don't think so..
Coz sometimes, even how nice we are to a person, we cannot gain their trust..

Can trust be developed with a relationship ?
I dont think so..
Coz even two persons with blood ties, an unbroken bond may never trust each other,
what more of two persons with a fragile relation as friendship..

Can trust be developed with love ?
I don't think so..
Coz even when people say love is the strongest thing on earth,
It cannot make trust each other even when they are in love..

Then, how do we come to trust others and be trusted ?
I really want to know what it feels to be trusted and to trust someone..

Here is a story about trust that I think have a very deep meaning to it :

A girl and her father were crossing a bridge.
Then the father said,
'Dear, do hold my hand so you won't fall into the river.'
The girl replied,
'No, Dad. You hold my hand.'
'What's the difference?', asked the puzzled father.

'There's a big difference,' replied the little girl.
'If I hold your hand and I am to fall,
I may let go of your hand.
But if you hold my hand, I am sure that no matter what happens,
you will never let my hand go.'

Ranjith Kumar


ashz_ami said...


hatim a.r said...

macam kenal je ur fren tu hehe
since uve read my latest entry i think u shud found the answer there. the way ive been brought up n my whole life as a teenager dah trained me to handle my own prob n sharing problems n personal stories is not something i do frequently =) im just secretive but i do love n support my frens when it comes to something else other than my pesonal problems <3

faiz ck said...

trust nobody except Allah~
kak syah i like ur post...

ashz_ami said...

thanks faiz..