Nov 5, 2009

7th Story : The Torment

There are times when I feel that nothing is right in my life..

feeling sleepy after sleeping..
being hungry after eating..
feeling tired after resting..
feeling bored after doing something fun..
still hoping when the hope is gone..
still waiting when there is nothing to wait for..
still dreaming when I know its impossible..

Sometimes, I feel that I need to do something about everything..
but I don't know where to start..
Sometimes after doing everything I can,
no outcomes is worth all the efforts I have put in..

Living a life filled with such dissatisfaction is a torment..
A life filled with misery..

I have wished for a lot of things in my life..
but one wish that I never stop wishing for is..
for my mind to be at peace..
but that wish will never come true..
not until I stop tormenting myself..


hatim a.r said...

knape asek sedih2 moody je ni for having a happy life,dont xpect anything.biar spontaneous so xdelah hampa evrytime wut ur xpect tak jadi =) im still waiting for a happy entry frm u haha

ashz_ami said...

well, i have been trying not to expect anythg.. but, i will still get hurt..

i honestly have no idea how to show im happy.. what more to write bout it.. i'll be lost for words for sure..